About me

This is my plants, diseases, and insect identification blog.  I’ve been studying plants and their problems for many years.  I’m a University of Connecticut Certified Master Gardener and Certified Connecticut Tree Warden with studies in the arts; mostly photography and design.

This is a collection of my photographs that I’ve taken during my studies.  My goal is to have this blog as a reference for me, but if it helps someone else in their studies then all the better.

I haven’t always been in the gardening business.  I’ve raised two wonderful children, been in the field of commercial photography, had a leadership role in a local crisis organization, and played a numbers of years in the design business.  What I learned from my experiences have all funneled down to what I’m doing now; loving life to its fullest.  Not only do I love playing and working outside, but my love of photography has been put to good use.  Everyday I find something to work on, whether it’s to explore the insect and disease world, plan a new garden, or discover a plant I haven’t worked with yet.  I plan on keeping it this way for a long time, so I expect this blog to get quite lengthy.

If you’ve taken the time to read this, then you are a patient person.  Feel free to leave a comment to let me know who you are or even if you have a correction or a question.  I’m an advocate of clean conversation though, so I won’t publish any comments that I think are distasteful.  If you want to borrow a picture, I don’t have a problem with that, all I ask is that you let me know and give me the credit for my work.  If you make any money on the photograph and don’t share it with me, then shame on you.

Until next time:  “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” ~ Lou Holtz.  A gardener may not always have the answer about a particular plant, but we’ll always have a way to help it grow.  May your day be blessed with sunshine on your back and in your heart, and may there be rain for your soul to grow.

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